Dorchester United Church

Announcements April 9, 2017

1. Please join us for coffee and a time of fellowship after the service in the lower level of the church. Next week, refreshments will not be served after the service. Please join us for breakfast and a time of fellowship before the service.

2. Please keep all in our congregation who are ill or recovering from surgery in your thoughts and prayers.

3. THIS SUNDAY, APRIL 9, we are asked to pray for the mission and ministry of the Middlesex Presbytery Resource Centre. We are also asked to pray for the well-being, compassion, strength, and joy of the Director, Karlene Kimber. Thank you for your participation in this prayer ministry.

4. FOOD BANK DONATIONS are welcome on any Sunday.

5. PLEASE SEE CATHY BASKERVILLE if you are interested in helping to drive people to church who are otherwise unable to attend.

6. PLEASE CONTACT REV. LARRY if you know of someone who is ill or who would benefit from a pastoral visit, yourself included.

7. If you did not receive a ‘thinking of you’ card and instructions, there are extras available at the back of the sanctuary. Please take a few minutes to write one of these and send it on, letting Jesus’ love flow through you to others. Thanks!

8. The West Elgin Choral Society, in which Rev. Larry sings, will present their Spring concert of all-Canadian music in Dutton on Saturday, April 22. Please see Rev. Larry for advance tickets @ $12.

9. The Official Board will meet at 1:30 on Wednesday this week.

10. Our Bible study will be on Thursday at 3:00 for this week.

11. Would all men who are helping to prepare and serve our Easter morning breakfast please be at the church at 7:30 a.m., if possible. A few will be here earlier to get the coffee on.

12. On April 21 at 7 p.m., a slide show on Iceland will be presented by Gerry and Phil Hicks. Refreshments will be provided. Freewill offering for the Mission Fund.