Dorchester United Church


TRIVIA NIGHT - Friday, March 22 at Dorchester United Church. Come for an enjoyable social evening where four heads are better than one! Bring a team of 4 or join a table upon arrival. Doors open at 6:30 and Trivia starts at 7 pm. A variety of quality questions, door prizes, light refreshments and snacks are provided. For tickets ($20/person) call Cathy @ 519 461 1679. Everyone is welcome.

Candidate for Order of Ministry: Gabrielle Heidinger
Music Director: Kathleen Hyde
Greeters : Marilyn Smith and Marion Jenkins


1. Please join us for refreshments and a time of fellowship in the lower level of the sanctuary following the service.

2. REFRESHMENTS AND FELLOWSHIP: We are looking for a few more volunteers to help organize refreshments after the Sunday service. If you can help, please consider the list posted in the kitchen and speak to Cathy Baskerville to make arrangements. We are grateful for our many volunteers.

3. WEDNESDAY MORNING COFFEE: Every Wednesday 10 am. Come and catch up on the news, be a taste tester of the baking and have many laughs. Everyone is welcome.

4. OUR THANKS to Al Busche for creating the cover page for the 2018 Annual Report. A job well done!


at Reynolds Creek United Church at Putnam, ON. at 2:00 pm. Everything is Ready! Prepared by the people of "SLOVENIA", (eastern Europe). Come, & learn more of the geography, the history, the hardships following WWII & how they were able to pull together as community & country. We are joined by the Anglican, Hope, Presbyterian & Dorchester United, churches to bring this interesting story to you. Come, to the Banquet, let us praise God together.

6. SUNDAY, MARCH 17TH IS REYNOLDS CREEK UNITED CHURCH IRISH STEW SUPPER in the Hutcheson Hall, Putnam, and RESCUE JUNCTION CONCERT. Supper at 5:30 - Concert at 7:00; Adults $25.00 Children (ages 5-12) $15.00. Supper tickets must be purchased in advance. $15.00 for the concert. For tickets call Joyce Pavey 519-485-1939 or Muriel Wye 519-485-1945.

7. REMINDER: Middlesex Presbyterial UCW Annual Meeting "WE ARE ONE" is on Wednesday, February 27, 2019. Guest speaker is Stacey Wilson, Supervisor of the Rotholme Program at Riverside United Church, 695 Riverside Dr. Registration $25.00 by February 20th,2019. Coffee at 8:30 am. I have registration forms if you need them.