Dorchester United Church


Save the date for all aged 75+ Sat Sept. 28th, 2019 at Noon. More details later.

Candidate for Order of Ministry: Gabrielle Heidinger
Music Director: : Kathleen Hyde
Greeters : Marion Jenkins and Marion Woods

Announcements August 11, 2019

Please join us for a time of refreshments and fellowship in the lower level of the sanctuary following the service.

1. WEDNESDAY MORNING COFFEE: Every Wednesday, at 10 am. Come and catch up on the news, be a taste tester of the baking and have many laughs. Everyone is welcome.

2. PLEASE CONSIDER SIGNING UP TO GREET on a Sunday morning on the clipboard at the rear of the church. You are helping to make our congregation feel welcome to our worship service. Thank you.

3. HOLY DINER BARBEQUE: You are invited to join us at the Holy Diner BBQ in the parking lot of DUC from 5 to 7 p.m. on Thursday, August 15th. Come for the fellowship and to catch up on the summer news. We will have hamburgers, hotdogs and sausage on a bun with cold drinks and cookies. All proceeds will go to our local outreach program. Please donate as you are able. If you would like to provide cookies for the Holy Diner, please sign up on the sheet at the back of the church. We are also looking for people who would like to help at this event.

Please talk to Cathy or call 519-461-1679.

4. REV. LARRY AND GWEN would like to invite everyone to join them for beverages, cake and ice cream after church TODAY to help them celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary. Best wishes only, please.

5. DORCHESTER UNITED CHURCH WORKERS SOCIAL GROUP will be meeting on Wednesday, Aug 28 at 7 pm at the church for a planning meet for future events. Anyone wanting to join us are welcome.

6. COME AND JOIN OUR CHOIR at the Annual Canadian Food Grains Bank Good Neighbour Project Pig Roast at Brown's United Church on Sunday August 18th. Entertainment at 5:30, Supper at 6:00. This is the 25th anniversary of the Good Nejghbour Project! Bring a Salad or Dessert, dishes and cutlery. Beverages will be supplied. A jar will be available for your tax deductible donation. Maps are available on the table at the back of the Sanctuary.