Dorchester United Church

A Message from the Finance and Stewardship Committee

Dorchester United Church continues to thrive and stay relevant in this community because of the commitment of members and friends of our church. We are incredibly grateful for your gifts of time, talent and treasure.

With heartfelt thanks for your consideration and support,

Cathy Baskerville, Chair

As we worship and support each other in brand new ways, we also offer alternate methods of receiving your offerings.

1. Offerings (cheques only) can be mailed to Dorchester United Church, 4100 Catherine St., PO Box 99, Dorchester ON N0L 1G0

2. Offering envelopes can be put in an envelope marked "Treasurer" and dropped in the mail slot by the church parking lot door. Please insure donations are pushed completely through the slot to avoid possible unintentional removal.

3. Use e-transfer at

4. Leave a gift to DUC in your will. Simply include this statement in your will: I give to Dorchester United Church, Dorchester, Ontario the sum of $___ (or percentage of estate) to be used for the general purposes of the church.

5. Sign up for Pre-Authorized Remittance. Contact Cathy at 519-461-1679

6. Donate through Canada Helps